Growing Quality Science & Scientists

Stand-up, For Science

An astrobiologist, two comedians and an urge to communicate science to the public walked into a bar… well actually, they met up for dinner. 

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Read About Communicating

Read About Communicating

Although this article relates to how COVID information is disseminated to the public, the theories apply to all effective science communications. “Almost half of Australian adults struggle with reading.”…”It means they often struggle to understand writing in a way required for broad participation in work, education and training, and society”

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Read About Time Management

It is all too easy to fill our days with meetings and other small tasks that leave only small gaps for the serious work. It is important to create time and space for hard tasks.

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Understanding Words

Understanding Words

Even the most basic words can be interpreted differently by different people, and we usually believe that most other people think like we do even when almost nobody does.

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